~ Pizza Miracle ~
Not long ago, one of the teachers at Friendship House told me a story that I think conveys the message about the impact this ministry is having in the community. Katie Poitevint, known as "Miss Katie" to the five and six year-old boys that she teaches, was treating a few of her students to pizza at a local restaurant. It is not required for the teachers to do this type of thing, but many of them go "above and beyond" to mentor, establish relationships, and provide godly role models to their students by taking them to community events and spending time with them outside of the classroom.
Katie and her boys blessed the food as it was served and were engaged in lively conversation--is there any other kind with 5 and 6 year-old boys? When Katie went to the register to pay for their meal, the server told her there was no charge. Upon inquiring why, she was told that another patron had taken care of the bill. Katie went back to the table and used this as an opportunity to explain to the boys how God honors us when we honor Him. She said they praised God and thanked Him for the blessing they had received and asked His blessing upon whoever had paid for their food.
In the gospels, we are told that Jesus took a small lunch of 5 loaves and 2 fish and used it to bring honor to God by providing food for over 5,000 people. Praise God! He is using followers of Jesus, like Katie, to bring glory to Him by their willingness to serve and to give God all the credit. A simple act of service brought blessing to not only Katie and her boys, the one who paid for her meal, the server(s) who observed, and no doubt others who were watching. God is using Friendship House to show our community that Jesus is real!
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